Five Types of Domestic Violence

The thought of domestic abuse usually follows with physical abuse and violence, but there’s more to abuse than just physically hurting the victim. There are actually five different forms of domestic violence, and some people don’t even realize when they’re experiencing one.

1. Physical Abuse

The first form of domestic violence is physical abuse. This is the most recognizable form and it involves force being used against the victim in order to cause injury. Even if the violence doesn’t cause a major injury, it is still physical abuse. Even a push or a slap to the face are abusive.

2. Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is another form of domestic violence, and it involves destruction of the victim’s self-worth. This can be brought on in a number of ways, like persistent insults, criticism or humiliation. Emotional abuse it common in unhealthy relationships and can sometimes be difficult to understand. Someone constantly tearing the victim down mentally and emotionally is a form of abuse.

3. Sexual Abuse

The third form of domestic abuse is sexual abuse. This is not just limited to sexual assault and rape, but also includes sexual harassment such as unwelcome touching and demeaning behaviors. Sexual abuse has a broad interpretation. Even being coerced into not using a contraceptive or having an abortion are forms of sexual abuse.

4. Financial Abuse

domestic violence typesFinancial abuse is the least obvious of domestic violence. An example of financial violence would be a husband preventing his wife from getting an education or a job outside of the home. Although financial abuse isn’t very obvious, it is extremely common forms of abuse in households. It often occurs when spouses pool their bank accounts into one account and when there’s little to no family support system to help. The victim is usually financially dependent of their partner, and this is a way their partner can control them.

5. Psychological Abuse

The last form of abuse is psychological abuse, and it is defined as someone intimidating, threatening or using fear causing behavior towards the victim. Common examples of this form of abuse include: preventing the victim from talking to people unless they’re given permission, preventing the victim from leaving the house or threatening the victim with violence or emotional blackmail for doing something the abusive partner doesn’t agree with.

Domestic violence too often goes unreported and sometimes it’s because the victim is unaware they are experiencing it. If you or someone you know is experiencing a form of domestic violence, don’t hesitate to get help through police help, legal prosecution of the abuser, restraining orders or institutional support.