Monthly Archives: August 2016

When Do I Get My Rights Back?

Restoration of rights after a felony charge can be a timely processes or it can be automatic. So, after you’ve done your time, when will you get all of your rights back? Once a person completes their sentence, whether it be probation or imprisonment, they have the opportunity to clean up their criminal record. This process can be accomplished with the help of a good attorney.

Do I Need a Lawyer if I am Just Under Investigation

If police are starting to ask you questions and you may believe they are investigating you for a serious crime, you should hire a lawyer. Even if you haven’t been arrested, having a lawyer may save you from having any charges brought against you. And if you do end up getting arrested it is always… Read more

Crimes That Will Get Your Fingerprint Card Revoked

Anyone who contracts with DES or seeks employment with a vendor agency to provide services to children or vulnerable adults must have a valid Fingerprint Clearance Card issued by DPS. These cards are good for six years, unless they are otherwise suspended or revoked. Crimes that lead to getting your fingerprint card revoked The following… Read more

Can I Change my Probation Terms?

There are some circumstances which lead people to want to change the terms of their probation. In order for this to happen, there must have been a change in circumstances or an unexpected situation arises that creates what a judge would consider a “good cause” to modify the current terms of their probation. Following the… Read more

Learn about Lesser Included Offenses – How might they affect your case

A lesser offense is a crime that’s contained within a bigger crime. You can’t commit a greater crime without committing the lesser. The courts use three tests to determine whether a crime is lesser included within another. Determining Lesser Included Offenses The Pleadings Test Some courts look at the charging documents to determine if an… Read more