Monthly Archives: April 2016

What is the Process of Changing Probation Terms?

Many people on probation seek to change the terms of their sentence for a number of reasons. Usually they have a change in circumstance or an unexpected situation that arises that requires them to need to change the terms of their probation. You can get a judge to change the terms for a good cause,… Read more

Why Should I Have an Attorney for Pre-Arrest and Pre-Charge?

Having an attorney before you’ve been arrested or charged will give you your best chance of getting off without any charges. Hiring a lawyer if you think you’re going to be arrested will help you get the right information and make the right decisions for your case. Pre-charge and pre-arrest lawyers advise clients about what… Read more

Five Types of Domestic Violence

The thought of domestic abuse usually follows with physical abuse and violence, but there’s more to abuse than just physically hurting the victim. There are actually five different forms of domestic violence, and some people don’t even realize when they’re experiencing one. 1. Physical Abuse The first form of domestic violence is physical abuse. This… Read more

Technology to Help You Avoid a DUI

Technology has dramatically changed our lives for the better. Of all the benefits modern smartphones provide, arguably one of the greatest is the ability to avoid DUI and the serious penalties that accompany it. Avoiding DUIs With Technology Ride sharing services including Uber and Lyft have virtually revolutionized their respective industry, making cabfare more affordable… Read more