Monthly Archives: March 2016

Most Common White Collar Crimes

White collar crime refers to crimes that are designed to produce financial gains using some form of deception. White collar crime is often committed by individuals in the business world, who have access to large amounts of other people’s money. White collar crime has been put on display in the popular films, Boiler Room, The… Read more

How an Order of Protection Keeps You Safe

If you are in a relationship with someone who physically, emotionally or sexually abuses you or family members, that person is committing domestic violence and possibly a myriad of other crimes. It is important to know that you are not alone in your strife. People from all socioeconomic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds experience domestic violence…. Read more

Differences between Theft, Robbery and Burglary

You may think that robbery, theft and burglary are simply synonyms for one another but in the eyes of Phoenix law, each crime how it’s own distinction. While theft and robbery are similar in that the involve the taking or attempted taking of personal property, burglary is slightly different. We’ve broken down the differences that… Read more

Interesting Stats About Suing Police

Many people have tried to sue the Phoenix Police Department but very few have succeeded in their efforts. Here are some interesting stats about suing the Phoenix Police department. The Arizona Republic reports that of the 1,675 claims filed against Phoenix Police the city paid out $17.2 million from September to 2009 to September 2015…. Read more