
How is Bail Determined?

Bail is set by a judge usually at a suspect’s first court appearance. Judges usually adhere to standard bail prices depending on the crime the suspect is being accused of, but they have the ability to raise, lower or wave the bail all together if they choose. Once bail is set, the defendant can either… Read more

What is Jail Court and Should I Have a Lawyer for Jail Court?

If you’ve been charged with a crime and don’t know how the process works, you may be feeling very lost and afraid. We’re here to help! We advise you get a lawyer as soon as possible to keep your bail, and ultimately your sentencing, to the minimal amounts. What Is Jail Court? Once you’ve been… Read more

Can Casino Professionals Lose Their Professional Licenses?

Many industries require professional licenses or fingerprint cards to be held: nursing, doctors, teachers, officers. If you work in the gambling industry, or in a casino, you may be required to hold a professional license for your industry as well. Many casinos require employees to hold a casino gaming employee license. Further, if you plan… Read more

Differences Between Types of Charges

As various types of crimes are committed, they result in various types of charges. If you are not familiar with the logistics of the types of crimes and charges, it may seem confusing. We’d like to offer some clarity on the different types of charges that can occur. Infraction: Infractions are the most common and… Read more

What Can Happen if you Violate Your Probation Terms

If you have been convicted of a crime and placed on probation, it’s very important you obey the terms of the probation. If you do violate the terms of your probation, you could easily face fines, jail time, or further probation. However, a good criminal defense lawyer can help you in the courts to explain… Read more

Professionals at Risk of Losing License with Criminal Charges

Criminal charges come with all sorts of long-term effects: Fines, jail time, probation, social stigmas, difficulties finding future employment, insurance rates increases, etc. One of the big thing that many professionals don’t realize is that they could lose their professional license, throwing their entire career into jeopardy. Which Professional Licenses are at Risk? There are… Read more

What Can Change with a Modification of Probation?

Probation is one of the more common sentences that a judge can pass down to a plaintiff in court. The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) states that there were over 82,000 Arizonans on parole in 2015, and that number is likely to have gone up slightly. That means that a decent percentage of the population… Read more

Changing the Arizona Bail System

In Arizona, bail is set based on the minimum amount that will ensure that the defendant will return and appear in court, but there are people who now want to change that. Many people who have committed minor offenses sit in jail simply because they cannot afford to pay their bail. A panel of criminal… Read more

When Do I Get My Rights Back?

Restoration of rights after a felony charge can be a timely processes or it can be automatic. So, after you’ve done your time, when will you get all of your rights back? Once a person completes their sentence, whether it be probation or imprisonment, they have the opportunity to clean up their criminal record. This process can be accomplished with the help of a good attorney.

Do I Need a Lawyer if I am Just Under Investigation

If police are starting to ask you questions and you may believe they are investigating you for a serious crime, you should hire a lawyer. Even if you haven’t been arrested, having a lawyer may save you from having any charges brought against you. And if you do end up getting arrested it is always… Read more