Monthly Archives: June 2015

Arizona Dentists Require No Background Check?

You might expect a dental professional to be held to high professional standard by the Arizona Board. You might be wrong! It turns out that dentists in Arizona are not required to carry malpractice insurance, undergo background checks prior to getting a license, or face any kind of regular inspections.  You’d be right to find… Read more

Restraining Orders and Your Safety Plan

The National Domestic Violence Hotline is a great resource for anyone who feels that their safety is at risk in their personal relationship.  There is a lot to explore there, but let’s zero in on their idea of a “Safety Plan.” When worried about safety at home, with an abusive or violent spouse, partner, or… Read more

Restraining Order Trumps Mediation Requirement

A recent New Jersey Appeals Court ruling doesn’t directly apply in Arizona, but shows how domestic violence can derail a divorce mediation. The specific case, which was seen in the New Jersey Superior Court, shows how complex family mediation can be when there is domestic violence involved.  The parties involved agreed to communicate about their… Read more

How Jury Trials Look on TV

Trials on TV are transparently dramatic. Somebody gets up on the stand and they say, “Oh, I’m compelled to confess. I’m the one who killed the guy.” This never happens. No witness ever testifies in trial, and then, in cross examination, spills their guts and says, “I’m sorry, I’m a big liar.” Nobody ever does… Read more