
What is Classified as Domestic Abuse?

The term domestic abuse usually brings violence to mind, but abuse can come in other forms, and even go unnoticed. There are five different types of violence that are classified as domestic abuse. Types of Domestic Abuse Physical Abuse The first form of domestic violence is physical abuse. This is the most recognizable form, and… Read more

What Can I Do If I’m At Risk For Domestic Violence?

Every couple has arguments, that’s a common fact of life. But when you feel in danger, or your life feels threatened, that’s not normal. If you feel that you are at risk of being hurt by your loved one, there are things you can to to prevent it. What to do in a domestic violence… Read more

Tips for Getting Away from Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is extremely serious and sadly, very common. If you have been a victim of domestic violence or fear that you or your family may become a victim of domestic violence, this article offers tips for you to follow to get yourself and your family to safety. What to do in a domestic violence… Read more

How an Order of Protection Keeps You Safe

If you are in a relationship with someone who physically, emotionally or sexually abuses you or family members, that person is committing domestic violence and possibly a myriad of other crimes. It is important to know that you are not alone in your strife. People from all socioeconomic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds experience domestic violence…. Read more

Five Types of Domestic Violence

The thought of domestic abuse usually follows with physical abuse and violence, but there’s more to abuse than just physically hurting the victim. There are actually five different forms of domestic violence, and some people don’t even realize when they’re experiencing one. 1. Physical Abuse The first form of domestic violence is physical abuse. This… Read more

Domestic Violence Doesn’t Just Happen to Women

In the majority of domestic violence cases the victim is a woman.  However, women are not the only victims.  Sometimes men are the victim of domestic violence and may need the same kind of help that is often available to women in order to leave their offending partner. Domestic violence in a broad sense is… Read more

Maricopa County Police Department Focusing on Domestic Violence Strangulation Cases

Arizona prosecutors have implemented new programs to help gather evidence in domestic violence cases involving strangulation which have helped increase the rate of prosecutions for domestic violence and are believed to have contributed to the declining number of homicides due to domestic violence in Arizona over the past 3 years. In recent years police have… Read more

History of Abuse in Scottsdale Murder-Suicide

While all relationships eventually have their disputes, for some a dispute can quickly or even immediately escalate to domestic violence.  Be sure to secure the services of a competent attorney if you find yourself in such a situation or if ongoing violations occur on an existing case in order to protect your safety and/or the… Read more

Restraining Order Trumps Mediation Requirement

A recent New Jersey Appeals Court ruling doesn’t directly apply in Arizona, but shows how domestic violence can derail a divorce mediation. The specific case, which was seen in the New Jersey Superior Court, shows how complex family mediation can be when there is domestic violence involved.  The parties involved agreed to communicate about their… Read more

New Child Custody Bill Stands to Improve Safety Dramatically

Angel’s Law is a bill that purports to be common sense in a legal document. The law, which came about after the tragic death of a 19-month-old boy, is specifically aimed at increasing safety for children in child custody arrangements. Angel Rodriguez, who the bill is named after, was a 19-month-old boy who had been… Read more