
Can Casino Professionals Lose Their Professional Licenses?

Many industries require professional licenses or fingerprint cards to be held: nursing, doctors, teachers, officers. If you work in the gambling industry, or in a casino, you may be required to hold a professional license for your industry as well. Many casinos require employees to hold a casino gaming employee license. Further, if you plan… Read more

Professionals at Risk of Losing License with Criminal Charges

Criminal charges come with all sorts of long-term effects: Fines, jail time, probation, social stigmas, difficulties finding future employment, insurance rates increases, etc. One of the big thing that many professionals don’t realize is that they could lose their professional license, throwing their entire career into jeopardy. Which Professional Licenses are at Risk? There are… Read more

What Kind of Professional Licenses Can be Revoked if I’m Arrested?

Professional licenses almost always come with stipulations that you will maintain a certain professional lifestyle, and for many of those licenses, arrests can throw your certification into jeopardy. Which professional licenses can be affected by arrests, and which arrests in particular? It would be impossible to type up the entire lists, but here are some… Read more

What Types of Crimes Lead to the Loss of Professional Licensing

Being charged for a crime doesn’t always lead to the loss of your professional license, but many times it can. Even misdemeanor charges can have serious consequences. If you are a professional that holds a license it is important that you do not engage in any unprofessional conduct, as this could be career ending. The… Read more