
Five Types of Domestic Violence

The thought of domestic abuse usually follows with physical abuse and violence, but there’s more to abuse than just physically hurting the victim. There are actually five different forms of domestic violence, and some people don’t even realize when they’re experiencing one. 1. Physical Abuse The first form of domestic violence is physical abuse. This… Read more

Parental Abduction: 25 Years On the Run

One of every parents worst nightmares is the thought of the abduction of their children.  Fortunately today there are alert systems that can get the word out to the public almost instantaneously leading to a higher rate of recovery.  The AMBER Alert is a child abduction alert system that started in the United States in… Read more

History of Abuse in Scottsdale Murder-Suicide

While all relationships eventually have their disputes, for some a dispute can quickly or even immediately escalate to domestic violence.  Be sure to secure the services of a competent attorney if you find yourself in such a situation or if ongoing violations occur on an existing case in order to protect your safety and/or the… Read more

Restraining Order Trumps Mediation Requirement

A recent New Jersey Appeals Court ruling doesn’t directly apply in Arizona, but shows how domestic violence can derail a divorce mediation. The specific case, which was seen in the New Jersey Superior Court, shows how complex family mediation can be when there is domestic violence involved.  The parties involved agreed to communicate about their… Read more

ASU Online Course Helps Children of Divorce

Children today are so embedded in technology that an online program such as this is the ideal way to reach out to them as they may not want to talk about the issues personally if they feel shame or anger.  An online module allows them anonymity and the ability to work through at their own… Read more

AZ Divorce Rates Above Average

It’s been well-known for quite a while now that divorce is becoming more and more common, and as an added effect, it’s becoming increasingly-common for individuals to get married having already been to the altar once. In fact, the national average for individuals who have been married twice is 24.8% for men and 24.4%. Arizona… Read more