Defense of Professional Licenses

Arizona Professional License Defense Attorneys

Defense of Professional LicensesA criminal charge poses two threats to a licensed professional — the potential penalties that the charge itself entails and the possibility of the loss of the professional license itself.

Burns, Nickerson & Taylor is a criminal defense firm with experience in both aspects of professional license defense cases. We are skilled and aggressive defense attorneys who work to overcome criminal charges. We also defend professionals facing disciplinary actions before professional licensing boards.

We represent all types of licensed professionals, including:

  • Teachers and social workers
  • Doctors, nurses and medical professionals
  • Attorneys
  • Casino and gaming industry professionals
  • Real estate agents and brokers
  • Insurance agents
  • And other licensed professionals

Contact us to schedule a consultation with an experienced attorney. In taking your case, we will work to preserve your freedom and protect your license.

Defending Criminal Charges

Our team has experience prosecuting and defending all types of criminal cases. This includes many years of experience with felony and misdemeanor cases. Our practice includes representation in all Arizona State as well as Federal Courts. We are aggressive, knowledgeable and determined to prevail for our clients.

We  work to build a strong case designed to obtain a dismissal of the charge or victory at trial.  If you have already been convicted and lost your fingerprint card, our firm can file a petition to restore your fingerprint card.

Representation Before Professional Boards

You can face a disciplinary hearing even if you have obtained an acquittal or dismissal of the charge against you. We can represent you before the professional licensing board with the objective of retaining your license or avoiding disciplinary action. This can include representation by our attorneys at full evidentiary hearings as well as responding to questions with written answers. Each professional licensing board has its own standards, procedures and dynamics. Our lawyers will respond in a manner appropriate to the situation.

Your rights and freedom are important to us. Your license and professional reputation are too.

Contact a Lawyer Today

For a consultation with the Phoenix, Arizona, firm of Burns, Nickerson & Taylor, contact us at (602) 264-5555 or send us an e-mail. For after hour emergencies, call (602) 320-1828.