Monthly Archives: November 2015

Phoenix Ex-Cons Dedicated to Helping Others Escape the "Thug Life"

Inmates being released from prison often find themselves facing some pretty daunting challenges.  Re-integrating back into society isn’t as easy as you’d think.  Approximately one third of Arizona inmates currently serving time are actually repeat offenders, in for additional time.  A study released last year by the Bureau of Justice Statistics concluded on some startling… Read more

Will New FDA Approval Lead to Increased Drug Addiction in Phoenix Teens?

Based on mounting evidence, some prescription opioids like OxyContin have been classified as addictive by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.  Prescription opioids are similar in ways to heroin in their affect on the human body and have been considered a gateway to heroin.  No matter, the FDA just recently approved the use of the… Read more

No ‘Child Left in Hot Vehicle’ Law in Arizona

Would you be surprised to learn that Arizona does not have any laws regarding leaving children in cars?   Nineteen states do so far.  Per official data the Phoenix metro area is the second hottest big city in the United States with approximately 107 days a year that top 99 degrees. Every so often there is… Read more

Glendale Police Will Soon Wear Body Cameras

Video cameras are popping up all over the place, from personal devices meant to capture the first person action of some sport or extreme event, to dashcams meant to capture the details of an accident in case fault needs to be proven, to auto back up cameras, to body cams worn by officers to help… Read more